We split the group into two halves, boys covering the questionnaire and asking 20 members of the public a variety of questions whilst girls covering the photography. Below are the results for the questions:

1.What gender are you?                          

Male = 5
Female = 15

2.What age group do you fit into?
10-20 = 4
21-30 = 7
31-45 = 4
46-59 = 2
60+ = 3

3.Do you live in Bedfordshire?
Yes = 20
No = 0

4.Do you visit Dunstable often?
Not often = 1
Sometimes = 2
Very often = 17

5.Do you live in Dunstable?
Yes = 13
No = 7

6.If you could move away from Dunstable, would you?
Yes = 12
No = 8

7.What brings you to Dunstable?
Studies = 3
Work = 10
Social life = 8
Leisure = 3

8.Do you think Dunstable is a successful town?
No = 11
Satisfactory = 9
Yes = 0

9.What places do you visit within Dunstable?
Quadrant = 14
Supermarket = 12
Retail park = 5
Go bowling = 4
Grove = 4
Other = 3

10.What improvements would you like to see in Dunstable?
Markets = 8
Children's activities = 4
Teen activities = 2
Adult activities = 5
Family activities = 8
Shops = 16
Nightlife = 7
Restaurants = 10
Nature = 5

11.Would you visit Dunstable more often if the suggestions above were readily available?
Yes = 20
No = 0

12.Do you use online shopping more than visiting shops?
Yes = 8
No = 12

13.What advertising techniques would catch your attention?
Leaflets/flyers = 7
Social networks = 9
Email = 2
Posters = 6
Websites = 1
Newspapers = 6
T.V ads = 8

14.Would you respond to a viral advertisement/promotion with regards to improving your local community: Dunstable?
Yes = 16
No = 4

Pie Charts & Graphs 
We then took these results and put them into bar graphs and pie charts to express our findings more easily.

Relating to our research we found out that more females tend to visit the shops. This may be because the range of shops (Superdrug, Boots, Next, New Look etc.) target females.

What we found interesting was 35% of the people we asked do not live in Dunstable, yet 95% of people that live in Bedfordshire visit sometimes or very often. This tells us that Dunstable does attract people, but perhaps not enough as it should to make it a successful town based on 45% of people that thought Dunstable was satisfactory and the other 55% saying no, Dunstable is not successful. 

One of the most shocking results is that out of the 65% of people that live in Dunstable, a large 60% would move away if they could. Showing that Dunstable is not necessarily a pleasant area and needs drastically improving, not only to improve the footfall but the standard of living too.

14/20 People said that they visit The Quadrant when they go to Dunstable, closely followed by Supermarkets, including a large ASDA Supermarket close to the centre. The retail park, Grove Theatre, Go bowling and the option of other all scored similar, meaning that perhaps these parts of Dunstable don't advertise enough or don't have as much footfall due to being outside the centre. 
When we asked "What improvements would you like to see in Dunstable?", we had the obvious answer that 16/20 people who visited Dunstable wanted better/more shops. Though surprisingly, 10/20 wanted Restaurants and cafés, despite Dunstable already having a variety of food establishments including; Costa; Greggs; Wetherspoons; Subway; Mcdonalds; KFC and other independent Restaurants and Cafés.

We had to find out if our motion story has the potential to receive a positive response. 80% of people said they would respond to advertisement, giving us a good chance to increase the footfall within Dunstable. We also asked the people of Dunstable if they use online shopping, this is to see whether we have a chance of getting people that shop online into Dunstable, as a lot of technology has taken over in this age. However, we realised that only 40% of the people we questioned, used online shopping, not only does this allow us to target the 60% of people and get them into Dunstable more often and believe that Dunstable is successful, but if we make our motion graphics powerful and convincing enough, then perhaps the other 40% of people that shop online will be reached by our viral motion graphics and want to come to Dunstable, therefore increasing the footfall.

Second to last we asked exactly "What advertising techniques would catch your attention?" To which 9/20 said that adverts through social media would catch their attention, second then being TV adverts. A viral motion graphic piece can be advertised online and be shared among social networking, it's possible to suggest that this motion graphic could also be advertised on TV through cheaper time rates.


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